Songs for the Star Signs
Astrology is cool and so are you, no matter what your star sign is….except maybe Geminis….y’all…yeah never mind. (UPDATED REGULARLY) ARIES Determined and always ready to make moves. We made a playlist for the hard guys of the zodiac. GRIND, JAM, REPEAT &n
VERNACULAR – The Playlist
THE MUSIC AT VERNACULAR DESIGN EXHIBITION Harmattan Rain curated music for designer Annertey’s Vernacuar Design Exhibition in Accra, in August,2018. Vernacular seeks to expose people to vernacular designs and aesthetics. It also seeks to experiment and show various means by which this v
House Rules ft theflowerpapi
A FRESH BOUQUET OF SOUNDS FOR HOUSE RULES MIXED BY THEFLOWERPAPI Where are you right now? Describe your surrounds. What do you see? What do you hear? What can you smell? I’m at the studio rn, haven’t slept yet cuz I have to finish a music video treatment, mix a song and also develop idea
Dix is Hot Volume 27
THE DIVERSITY OF THE NEW AFRICAN SOUND in DIX IS HOT VOLUME 27 Dix is Hot Volume 27 takes us on a journey of sounds. We explore the soundscapes of Cote d’Ivoire, Nairobi and Nigeria, taking roots in Afrobeats, R&B, Dance and more. EA Wave producer and DJ Ukweli features Karun and
Dix is Hot Volume 26
TURN UP THE VOLUME AND GET HEATED WITH DIX IS HOT VOLUME 26 We got ten songs to motivate, turn you up, keep you calm and make you lit on Dix is Hot Volume 26! An all purpose playlist of ten songs from African musicians you need to get familiar with ASAP. Our playlist kicks […]