Suté Iwar Shines Bright with “ULTRALIGHT”
Picture this: You’re cruising the streets of beautiful Los Angeles in a Tesla, windows down and the clock striking midnight. The sounds of Suté Iwar‘s latest album, “ULTRALIGHT,” pour from the speakers and instantly lift your mood. The Nigerian artist and producer has truly
Unapologetically Brazy: An interview with the rising Alté star
If you’re into discovering fresh, new voices in the underground music scene, then you’re going to want to keep an eye on Brazy, a rising star in the Alté scene straight out of Nigeria. She popped onto our radar, thanks to TikTok’s algorithm, and we believe she has the potential to be
An honest conversation on Love with Ria Boss
Ghanaian musician Ria Boss breaks down the spectrum of love and romance in this honest conversation on her album Remember
On the Rise: MAUIMØON
Ugandan musician MAUIMØON takes the spot as our first feature artist for On The Rise in 2023
Ten songs you didn’t know were produced by Guiltybeatz
Grammy award-nominated producer Guiltybeatz is behind Beyonce records like Already, Move and Keys to the kingdom. Here are other tracks you didn't know he made.