Telling a story with darkness
Stars can’t shine without darkness Blacklight photography can be a fascinating method of photography. To reveal what is hidden, 21 year old Faisal Gidado photographed the light in the darkness. Fascinated by blacklight photography, the young Nigerian created a short, but powerful 3-piece pho
Creative collaboration and the Birth of Vanessa3007
Creative collaboration is what led to the birth of Vanessa3007 – an eternal African mermaid, flourishing in the glow of Ghanaian jollof and highly advanced technology of the year 2033. The character was created by musician Deborah Vanessa ,UK-based Photographer Philipp Raheem and Stylist M
The Rain. summer body hack
The Summer Body 2018 journey has begun! Time to start on that fitness part of your new years resolution with Harmattan Rain! We got together with our favorite dietitian and our favorite gym buddy to bring you a work out list, a seven day meal plan and a heck of a playlist to keep you […]
If Ghanaian musicians were European Football Clubs
The European football league is undoubtedly one of the most popular leagues Africa, and Ghana is no exception. This year, there have been a lot of plot twists and pleasant surprises in the league.. and also in the Ghanaian music scene. So we compared the 2017 form of European football clubs to the p
Acropolis Wins best film at Urban Film Festival.
We are constantly speaking on how important it is to document our art and culture. And two rappers from Accra have done that so beautifully, it gained international recognition. Music artists Yaw P and Temple from Ghana, recently produced a short documentary, titled Acropolis, directed by Bread9fe o