8 steps to sending the perfect email to music blogs
It will be hard for any music blog or website to ignore you after you follow these steps
A few years ago we wrote a piece on how to get your music featured on blogs. And although we did say to email, we did not say the how to email. That is why we still get emails for features on our website, that make absolutely no sense at all.
On an average we get about 10 music submissions a week. Usually most of them are so poorly written its difficult to open (if they do even get opened).
Sometimes, its not because your music sucks that’s why blogs and websites ignore you. It’s because of how poorly represented you are in your emails.
Here is a step by step process on how to email your music to music websites and blogs, the right way.
- Do your research: Find out blogs and websites are available and what they cater to. Some blogs focus on particular genres and sounds, it is your duty to know that. Don’t send your R&B song to a Hip Hop blog. That’s a sure way to get ignored. For example, at Harmattan Rain, we don’t do reviews, so it’ll be on you to request us to review your music. Your research could even extend to finding out what writers you would want writing your story. * Pro tip: Certain writers are brilliant at some types of writing than others. Some are great at cover stories, while others are pretty good at interviews. Find who you would want telling your story, and pitch directly to them.
- Write a Subject: Once you’ve done your research and found the email of the blog or website, write a subject for your email. Never leave the subject blank. Give a brief summary of why you are emailing. The title of your song or album will be a good idea. Most music blogs have a guideline on how to submit your music and how to write the subject. For example, at Harmattan Rain we request you to write the subject in the format: “MUSIC SUBMISSION- (YOUR NAME)+ (SONG/ALBUM TITLE)”. You can see how to submit your music with us here. * Pro tip: If you’re going to be sending an email to a lot of blogs, make use of the BCC option.
- Make it personal: Don’t just start an email. Or write a simple hello, hi or dear, make it personal. Dear editor, or the name of the writer works best.
- Be direct: Say what you want and why you chose that platform. Do you want a song featured, a premiere, to be playlisted? Let it be known. *Pro tip: This is a great time to put your research to good use. What article or artist has been featured that you think is much like you? What playlist would your song be a great fit for? Gas them a bit, but not too much.
- Introduce yourself: Don’t assume everyone knows who you are. Write a short description of yourself. Your name, where you are from, what you do, the kind of music you make. Don’t forget to write about your song;What is it about? Who produced it? What does it mean to you etc *Pro tip: Be succinct as possible. Don’t go around in circles. Be direct, clear and succinct, but respectful. Also, even for brands you have a relationship with, still say hello and introduce your new music, minus your personal introduction. It is polite and builds a professional or friendly rapor.
- Add a link and photo: Always send your email with a link. Either for Soundcloud (Could be a private link if its an unreleased song/project), Apple Music, Spotify, or even Dropbox. No one has the time, space or energy to download songs. Some radio stations or websites prefer files. If you’re not sure, send both. *Pro tip: You can attach an EPK/ Press release as well.
- Sign off: Sign off with your socials or a link to your website if you have one (as an artist you are encouraged to have one). Leave a way for them to contact you, or reach out to you. *Pro tip: You can easily create a sign off on G Mail, so you don’t have to always have to repeat this.
- Follow up: You can use 4-6 days to follow up. *Pro tip: Don’t badger or spam. Be polite, but firm.
See below a sample of a pretty decent email you could write:
Dear Editor,
I really loved your story on xxx about xxx. I think my song xxx falls in that same category.
My name is xxx and I make xxx type of music. I released my song xxx on xxx date about xxx and I believe it would be a great fit for your platform and of interest to you readers.
You’ll see a link to my song below. I’ve also attached my EPK so you know more about me and the music I make. Enjoy.
Best regards,
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